Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Piran Regional Office


The Piran Regional Office of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, founded in 1969, is responsible for cultural heritage in the Primorska (Littoral) region, with cultural monuments declared of high importance by the state, among them Socerb Castle, Church of St George and the Baptistery in Piran, the Monastery in Koper and the old Salt Works at Sečovlje. Archaeological research is also underway in several locations. The office has a branch in Koper.


Some temporary exhibitions have been organised by the office, including the exhibition In situ (2003) about archaeological excavations on the motorway route Klanec–Srmin; and an exhibition on architect Edo Mihevc (2001).


The office with its employees has received the Stele acknowledgement and Stele Award Ana Sonja Hoyer (2009) and Tone Mikeln (2004).

See also

Other regional offices

External links

Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Republike Slovenije (ZVKDS), Območna enota Piran +
45.526 +
Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Republike Slovenije (ZVKDS), Območna enota Piran +
13.569 +
SI-6330 Piran-Pirano +
Trg bratstva 1 +
The Piran Regional OfficeThe Piran Regional Office of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, founded in 1969, is responsible for cultural heritage in the Primorska (Littoral) region, with cultural monuments declared of high importance by the state, among them Socerb Castle, Church of St George and the Baptistery in Piran, the Monastery in Koper and the old Salt Works at Sečovlje.Salt Works at Sečovlje. +
The Piran Regional Office of the InstituteThe Piran Regional Office of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, founded in 1969, is responsible for cultural heritage in the Primorska (Littoral) region, with cultural monuments declared of high importance by the state, among them Socerb Castle, Church of St George and the Baptistery in Piran, the Monastery in Koper and the old Salt Works at Sečovlje. Koper and the old Salt Works at Sečovlje. +
+386 / 5 671 0941 +
Piran-Pirano +
SI-6330 +
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